*The faithfulness, mercy, and grace of God!
*The faithfulness, love, and sacrifice of the Son!
*The faithfulness, peace, and comfort of the Spirit!
*Watching my Youth Group teens grow in the Lord as I help teach them!
*A loving family (both biological and the family of God)!
*The wonders of God that we see every day; every breath we take, every creature we see, every plant that grows, and every person we meet was created by Him and is a miracle!
*The Cowboy - Strength, peace, and faith as he makes decisions that will affect the rest of our lives.
*Laura - My bosom-friend and "sister" for 15 years, sick with an unknown disease for that entire time and longer. I pray for healing if that is the Lord's will, or for peace and strength for her if it is not His will.
*Allie - Another friend of 15 years who was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (cancer) last week. She is Laura's grandmother.
*Arielle - Wisdom in a situation.
*Georgina - Preparing for a mission trip this summer. May God be blessed through her!
*Somer Family - Missionaries to Asia. Prayer for protection in a hostile place, prayer for success in preaching, and prayer for health for parents and children.
*Siri - She needs strength, guidance, and acceptance to follow what God has planned for her.
*Froggy's grandma - My friend "Froggy"s grandma is quite ill with cancer. Prayer for peace, strength, and comfort in her last days. And the same prayer of peace, strength, and comfort for Froggy.
Female Persimmon Flowers
6 months ago