Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday Thirteen: Names That I Like 2

For today's Thursday Thirteen, I'm posting girl names I like. Last week, I did boy names. These are names that just strike my fancy at the moment, not ones I'm planning on using for kids or whatever. ;-)

1. Brigitte
2. Honoria
3. Jess
4. Katherine
5. Lorelei
7. Maxine
8. Milly
9. Svetlana
10. Tanya
11. Tess
12. Tzeitel
13. Wendy

Linked over HERE. What is a list of 13 things you want to post?


  1. I have loved Lorelei ever since Gilmore Girls!

    Fun list. Happy TT!

  2. I have always liked Svetlana. I might even name someone with it some day.


Have something to say? Go ahead! :)