Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday Thirteen: Names That I Like

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The sun shines through wisps of clouds, and everything is bathed in a golden light. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below!

*Thursday Thirteen*

Here is a list of random guy names that I like. Not necessarily that I would use - just ones that I like. Next week, I'll post 13 girl names. :-)

1. Andreas
2. Donald
3. Evander "Evan"
4. Gilbert
5. Jonas (NOT because of the Jonas brothers. I almost disowned this name because of them [ick!], but there is still Jonas Quinn...)
6. Jonathan
7. Martin
8. Matthew
9. Oliver
10. Peregrine
11. Wilbur
12. William
13. Zachary

What 13 things do YOU feel like listing today? Leave me a comment and tell me!

(added to the Mr. Linky HERE)


  1. Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
    I like your list of boy names.. I love the name Jonas too, but b/c of those darn boys, I don't know that I could use it. I may have to cheat and use Jonah instead! ha!!

  2. Cool list. I like Matthew & Zachary especially.

    Thanks for sharing. Happy TT! ♥


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