Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Interesting Experience

Have you ever felt like you stepped out of a by-gone era into this one? Yesterday as I went out to do chores with a long skirt* and big, white (stained) apron and head-covering, I felt like I'd stepped out of a time when women were taught to be more peaceful, feminine, and... pretty... into a world of rough and ragged lives where a woman's feminine and peaceful disposition is despised.

It was strange.

I like the old world. I like the old world where men do not swear before (or at) ladies, like what happened at work last week, when a man (I won't say gentleman as is my usual wont) directed the foulest language at me.

Something in me longs for society to return to where it was. And if a change can happen, it must happen with me.

*Yes, I did wear a skirt to do chores, which, if you know me, you know was in the past strictly prohibited by my father. Apparently yesterday he did not mind. So perhaps I will more often. :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree that many people are using language which is increasingly crude and profane. I'm not sure what happened to speaking with intellingence and wholesomeness went but I really wish it would come back!

    P.S. This is my first visit to your blog so I think I should say, "Hello." =)

    ~Elizabeth J.


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