Doesn't that title sound like a great name for an adventure movie? Doesn't it? No? Oh, well... I tried to make it interesting.
Firstly, yesterday we had a birthday party for my dear Grandma, as she turned 80. Friends came over, and we had a lovely lunch and tea. I would post pictures, but I don't like posting pictures of people without their permission. Oh, well... :(
Secondly, as the title of this post suggests, Mom and I went garage sale-ing. It's a Friday tradition for Mom and Dad to go on dates and hit all the garage sales in town. Dad had a volunteer job to get done, so this time, it was me with Mom! Some things we got:
Oh, yeah. My brothers are jealous. $5, and the price tag on this brand new beauty said $40.
Isn't it absolutely gorgeous? I was so thrilled when I saw a pile of them sitting there getting sold. I snatched up one of those puppies in a second! And the best part? Copyright 1969 - before people went though and politically correctified all the hymns. I took pictures of the proof:
Battle Hymn of the Republic. Modern 4th verse: "As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free." See the original word in the picture.
Apparently someone thought it was offensive to suggest that we be willing to die for what we think is right.
Next song. At the Cross. Modern 1st verse: "Would He devote that sacred head for sinners such as I?"
I suppose someone's feelings were hurt at having to admit that they are a worm.
Aaaaaaanyway, moving on... (Can you tell I am against politically correctified hymns?)
The last thing we got:
It's a really pretty set of gold-plated flatware. Mom thought it was a good deal, because if each piece was worth $2, we'd still come out with a smokin' deal. So we got home, and I did some Googling. Each piece sells for upwards of $20. Some even $100. Smokin' deal? Yeah, I think so.
Then I went and took care of my goats and babes. One of the Cowboy's favorite goatlets, Jacen, jumped into a board and broke off his little horn stub. The poor little sweetie... :( I was instructed to put cayenne pepper on to stop the bleeding, so I had Mom bring some down. While we were waiting, the Cowboy carried his poor baby around, petting it and talking to it... I think it was a more traumatic event for the Cowboy rather than the goatlet. Jacen was happy as a clam the whole time.
And now I'm way late on chores, so I must bid you farewell.
Female Persimmon Flowers
5 months ago
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