I have just discovered the perfect profession for me! Join up with Alvin and the Chipmunks and sing Munk Rock! Because...
According to my family, I look like chipmunk. Looking in the mirror, it looks like I'm holding a watermelon in my mouth. And that's about what it feels like. Ugh. I didn't realize that my face makes a perfect rectangle when it's swollen. Interesting.
Mighty Mike is down milking for me. He's even walking them out to the hillside to graze them. Yesterday, The Brain tried milking. Poor ol' city-boy has never milked before (the other day when he went down, he just bottle-fed the babes; he didn't actually learn to milk). So after about five minutes, we got a phone call from him: "Mom, I can't do it!" So my dear city-mom went down, assessed the situation, and called Grandpa, who finally milked the goats. Needless to say, I did not ask The Brain to milk last night. I asked The Cowboy to. The Cowboy is a fabulous goat dad. After he fed the babies dinner, he took two of them for the mile-long walk to the end of the driveway and back ("Gotta get their little muscles built up!"), then snuggled with the two babies that didn't want to go for the walk. I'm going to give him Jacen and Gary for "lawnmowers," and I'll keep Jerusha. Just in case you wanted to know.
I'm going to go re-heat my rice pudding now...
~Miss. Chipmunk
Female Persimmon Flowers
5 months ago
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