Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's Keeping Me In Stitches!

The wisdom teeth surgery went very well, and I'm in very little pain. Just a bit of swelling, but ice is helping that. Drinking some lovely, warm chicken broth from a mug. Wow. Yum. I love this stuff. Not eating for nearly a whole day helped that, though. My dear mother has made mention of giving me a cherry smoothie soon...

And The Cowboy, Dad, and The Brain are being dears and milking my goats for me.

Love my family and my Cowboy. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear you have little pain and are enjoying some broth (and a smoothie?)! My wisdom teeth have not come in yet, so I mustn't be wise yet, right???

    How kind of your fellas to milk your goats for you... We had 1 goat freshen today--she had one buckling and one doeling. :)

    I sincerely hope your mouth heals up quickly!



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